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Tree Protection & Management Plans (TPMP)

A Tree Protection & Management Plan (TPMP) is a document that is produced if required as a condition of the planning permit. It provides detail on the step-by-step tree protective measures from pre-demolition until the competition of landscape stage. It is fundamentally based on the recommendations in the arboricultural impact assessment however it contains more detail and a chronological timeline for every component of the development.

Root investigation reports


A root investigation report identifies the location of roots within a Tree Protection Zone (TPZ). AS 4970-2009 states that some encroachments into the TPZ of trees being retained are allowable if the project arborist has investigated sufficiently and can prove that despite the encroachment, tree retention is viable. By utilising non-invasive excavation methods that wont damage the root system, the exact location of roots can be determined which often will allow for a significant encroachment into the TPZ.

Depending on the site specifics and the volume or size of vegetation being retained, this exercise could mean the difference between getting 3 dwellings rather than 2 on your development site.

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